Fresh Start Fridays

[By Stephanie Ziegler]

I can’t believe this marks week 6 of the Fresh Start Challenge! It is flying by!! I have found over the last couple weeks it has become easier to implement the changes I have been trying to make. Exercise is feeling more natural as my body gets over the pain of being so out of shape. Guys, I am actually RUNNING AGAIN! Not fast, not very long, but I am RUNNING! The Kroc Center just installed new treadmills that are more comfortable to run on and have a great display for tracking your workout (and frankly, watching tv…which is the only way I get through a treadmill run!!).

I want to share with you what I have gotten out of the last two weeks of classes. Hopefully you can benefit from this as well!Two weeks ago we had a “heathy recipe” session and made energy bites. This has been a life changer for me! As I mentioned previously, I have quite the sweet tooth. These have been a much healthier way to curb that craving and are packed with protein to fill me up and sustain me. This has helped a lot as I like to snack in the evenings and having a couple of these tides me over. Our entire family has enjoyed them, so I think we have found a new staple in our home. Here’s the recipe:

Last week we learned about “bodyweight basics”. This is using your own bodyweight for resistance in a workout. I love this approach because you can literally do it almost anywhere since you don’t need additional equipment. Here is a sample strength workout that was emailed to us. Give it a try!  If you don’t know some of these exercises you can easily look them up online to see an example.
A1. Push-up x 10
A2. Sit-up x 10
A3. Reverse Lunges x 8 each leg
A4. Squat Pulses x 15
A5. Inchworms x 8
x 3 (meaning do the whole circuit 3 times)B1. Wide Grip Push-up x 10
B2. Russian Twist x 10 each side
B3. Lateral Lunge x 8 each leg
B4. Lunge Pulses x 10 each leg
B5. Skaters x 10
x 3 (whole circuit 3 times again)Tabata – 20seconds work/10seconds rest x 4 rounds
C1. Mountain Climbers
(Do as many as you can during the “work” seconds!)
D1. Forward/Backward Jumps

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