Monday Morning Moms in Green Bay

Meet Tanya Kussow!

Q: What town/city do you live in?
A:  Freedom

Q: How many kids do you have?
A:  Two daughters.

Q: What are their ages?
A:  21 months and 7 weeks. 

Q: Do you work outside the home? If so, where & what do you do?
A:  I teach first grade at Hemlock Creek Elementary School.

Q: What is your favorite at-home activity to do with your kids?
A:  Reading books.

Q: Where is your favorite place around Green Bay to take your kids?
A:  The NEW Zoo is a favorite for us.

Q: What has been your biggest parenting challenge?
A:  Embracing my 21-month old daughter’s determination to potty train herself this summer.

Q: What do you like to do when you have time for yourself?
A:  Cooking & baking.

Q: Are you a night owl or an early bird (despite what you have to be as a mom)?
A:  Night owl.

Q: What is something not many people know about you?
A: My feet are not the same size (about an inch different).  I discovered this while watching a TV show that was talking about a certain percentage of people having two different size feet.  So, of course, I had to check my own feet and discovered I was one of them!

Thanks for sharing with us, Tanya! Check back next week to meet another area mom.

(P.S. Let’s go mommy is always in need of more submissions from moms or dads, so please contact me if you are interested and willing to be featured at It’s super easy!)

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