mother's day

Mother’s Day

It seems rather fitting that the inaugural week of let’s go mommy is the week leading up to Mother’s Day! If you are looking for something fun or different to do this year, check out our calendar for specific events happening on Mother’s Day 2015 in the Green Bay area.

Mother’s Day seems to be a day to either spend with family or for moms to take a break and have a day off from the family. If we lived near either of our mothers I feel like Mother’s Day would be a lot more special since we would be celebrating the women who raised us. Since we don’t, the “mother” we are celebrating happens to be yours truly, which still seems a little strange to me and tends to be hit-or-miss as to its level of success. As I reflect back on my eight years of motherhood, here are a few of my Mother’s Day memories:

• Coming home to some nice surprises after a weekend away with a girlfriend—a spaghetti dinner prepared by my husband and a new screen door (installed) that I had been wanting.

• Going to brunch with Mike and the girls after church at The Nicolet Restaurant…then picking up my father-in-law from a gas station in Hobart where he was stranded with a flat tire.

• Spending a fun weekend in Chicago for a close friend’s bachelorette party. I was 6 months pregnant, so one of my babies was with me.

• Being home with Mike and the girls and trying to treat myself to an afternoon nap—the girls just didn’t seem to get it that this was supposed to be my day. Needless to say, the nap didn’t happen.

However you choose to celebrate this year, have a very Happy Mother’s Day!

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