Fresh Start Fridays

[By Stephanie Ziegler]

Here’s to a Fresh Start!

Honestly, who doesn’t want or need a fresh start?  I’m not sure about you other mamas, but my body did not bounce back as easily after baby number two!  I craved…yes, CRAVED sugar while I was pregnant with Zoey and gave into this craving far too often even after she was born. So I’m four months postpartum and I still have a ways to go.

I have desperately wanted to fit back into my jeans and feel “strong” again, so being a part of the Fresh Start Challenge at the Kroc Center is a great opportunity!  Not only do we have weekly meetings where we have been learning a ton, but we have also received a family membership for the duration of the challenge…which I am trying to take full advantage of.  Unfortunately, since Zoey is only 4 months old I am unable to use the childcare to work out during the day (kiddos need to be 6 months old to be in childcare), so I have coordinated with my hubby to make sure I can get there 3 times a week. On Thursday evenings we have started a routine of going as a family. I get in a quick workout while Chris takes Ezekiel and Zoey to the pool and then I join them for some swimming when I am done. They have a toddler swim time where all of the waterfall and splashing equipment is off, which is perfect for my 2.5 year old since he does not like water in his face yet.

Classes are also included in the family membership at the Kroc, so this week I decided to be brave and try out a class. It was called Core and Barre, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into! Ha! It was a combo of core/arm/leg exercises on a mat and ballet exercises on the barre. The instructor had great music going and was so encouraging, which helped me push more than I ever could have if I were working out on my own. All I can say is I felt pain in muscles I didn’t even know existed, but I am so glad that I tried it and plan to go back next week!

Here’s to working off that mommy belly and getting healthy so I can be the best wife and mama I can be! Can’t wait to share more of what I have been learning with you all next time. 🙂

One Response

  1. You are doing great! You are already an amazing mama and taking the time to better your health is going to make you an even better one! You go girl!

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