Monday Mom

Monday Morning Moms in Green Bay

Meet Stephanie MacIntyre

Q: What town/city do you live in?
A: Green Bay.

Q: How many kids do you have?
A: Two–a son & a daughter.

Q: What are their ages?
A: My son is 3 and my daughter is 1.

Q: Do you work outside the home? If so, where/what do you do?
A: I’m a stay at home Mama as of recently! I am a Beachbody Coach and I also promote Younique.

Q: What is your favorite at-home activity to do with your kids?
A: My favorite at-home activity with the kids is playing on the floor building towers and tracks, reading books and practicing gymnastics!

Q: Where is your favorite place around Green Bay to take your kids?
A: My favorite places around Green Bay to take the kids would be Air Force Gymnastics and Get Air for tot time and Titletown Park.

Q: If you had one parenting tip to share with others that has worked for you/helped you, what would it be?
A: Love and Logic!

Q: What is your favorite hobby when you have time for yourself?
A: My hobbies are health, beauty and fitness.

Q: Are you a night owl or an early bird (despite what you have to be as a mom)?
A: I’m an early bird! I enjoy getting up early before the kids to get in my “me-time workout” to start my day.

Q: Something you would like to share with others to motivate or encourage them.
A: The best decision I ever made was putting my career on the back burner to be home and watch my children grow!

Thanks for sharing with us, Stephanie!

We are always looking for more Monday Mom submissions. If you would like to be featured, please email me at

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