The Weidner | Confrin Family Hall
Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets @ Weidner
The Weidner | Confrin Family Hall 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WICars fly, trees fight back, and monsters are on the loose in Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! This concert features the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ in high-definition, on a giant screen, while a live orchestra performs John Williams' unforgettable score. Relive every magical moment as the music brings […]
Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets @ Weidner
The Weidner | Confrin Family Hall 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WICars fly, trees fight back, and monsters are on the loose in Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! This concert features the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ in high-definition, on a giant screen, while a live orchestra performs John Williams' unforgettable score. Relive every magical moment as the music brings […]
Champions of Magic @ Weidner
The Weidner | Confrin Family Hall 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI“Dazzles audiences with a show like no other!” - Broadway World Following a decade touring the world as one of the most successful magic shows in history, the Champions of Magic team are back with an explosive ALL NEW show featuring thrilling and mind-bending illusions. Fusing their skills in grand scale magic, a flair for spectacle […]