Monday Morning Moms in Green Bay

Meet Sarah Klewer!

Q: What town/city do you live in?
A: Green Bay

Q: How many kids do you have?
A: One daughter, Esther

Q: What are their ages?
A: Almost 4

Q: Do you work outside the home? If so, where & what do you do?
A: I run an in-home day care and look after four kids (Esther included). An almost one year old, three year old, and two almost four year olds keep me very busy! They are amazing kiddos and we have tons of fun together!!

On the side, I also help manage my husband’s art business. He’s super talented! Check out his website to see some of his work:

Q: What is your favorite at-home activity to do with your kids?
A: I love cooking with Esther! We enjoy trying out interesting, healthy recipes together. My husband made us matching owl aprons that we wear but sometimes Esther prefers to cook in the nude. ?

Q: Where is your favorite place around Green Bay to take your kids?
A: Esther loves to go swimming and since I love to be warm, our new favorite place is the CP center–the pool is 92 degrees!!! We also love to go to Starz Academy, parks, concerts in the park (in summer) and the library. We enjoy going to local theatre productions as well.

Q: If you had one parenting tip to share that has worked for you/helped you, what would it be?
A: Praying for your children is the best advice I can give! Two years ago I became involved in Moms in Prayer (check out their website or contact me if you are interesting in being a part of this amazing ministry). We meet weekly and pray for our children using specific scriptures that reflect attributes of God. It is comforting to know that God is more wise, patient, and loving towards Esther than I could ever be as her mother. I can trust Him to be the compassionate guider of her today and always. The areas I fail in, I can rely on God to meet her needs. It relieves the pressure of being a perfect mom by trusting in a perfect Heavenly Father. He can fill in the gaps when I don’t measure up and as her Creator, He knows exactly what she needs!

Q: What is your favorite thing to do for yourself when you have time?
A: I love to cook and bake! I’m always trying out unique and healthy recipes or concocting my own. Thrifting is also fun for me but I’ve had to limit my exposure because it can be too addicting.

Q: Are you a night owl or an early bird (despite what you have to be as a mom)?
A: I can be either, but in an ideal world I would be neither. ?

Q: Share a funny quote from one of your kids:
A: On Christmas when Esther was 2 1/2 we were sharing a room with my mom and she was snoring extremely loudly. In the middle of the night Esther woke up and said, “Mom, I don’t want that cow to moo anymore!!!”

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment?
*Caution, this may be TMI for some, so proceed reading at your own risk.*
Picture this—it’s a hot summer day and my teenage self was getting ready to walk home from work. My summer crush/neighbor happened to drive by and offered me a ride home. I might note this guy took extremely good care of his car. He was more concerned with the hygiene of his car than most teenage boys are with the hygiene of their own bodies! Before I got into the car, he seemed fairly uneasy after offering me a ride. He stated awkwardly, “Just be careful not to…(long pause)…spill anything”. This comment seemed very out of place as I had not brought anything with me that could possibly have spilled in his car. When we arrived at home, we both got out of his car and headed back to our neighboring houses. My dad stopped us in the driveway and was talking to us for awhile. I turned around and my dad, never afraid to say anything and having no filter shouted, “You have bloody period EVERYWHERE!!!!” I looked to see my light khakis COVERED! Horrified, my neighbor/crush went into his house and I ran into my house. I don’t think I’ve ever worn khakis since. To confirm my worries that I had left my mark in his immaculate car, later that day, I noticed crushboy furiously scrubbing away at the passenger seat. ??

Thanks for sharing with us, Sarah. Check back next week to meet another area mom!

(P.S. Let’s go mommy is still in need of more submissions from moms or dads, so please contact me if you are interested and willing to be featured:!!)

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