Meet Jessica Ullmer!
Q: What town/city do you live in?
A: Seymour.
Q: How many kids do you have?
A: Three girls.
Q: What are their ages?
A: They are 7, 5 and 2.
Q: Do you work outside the home? If so, where & what do you do?
A: I own Salon E’lan in Green Bay and Appleton.
Q: What is your favorite at-home activity to do with your kids?
A. Ride bikes, go for walks, swimming in the pond and watching them shoot bow with their dad.
Q: Where is your favorite place around Green Bay to take your kids?
A: The Zoo.
Q: If you had one parenting tip to share that has worked for you/helped you, what would it be?
A: Each child is different and has different needs; recognize each of their special qualities
Q: What is your favorite thing to do for yourself when you have time?
A: Yoga and going for walks.
Q: Are you a night owl or an early bird (despite what you have to be as a mom)?
A: Night owl. I work late so I like to wind down after work.
Q: Share an embarrassing moment or something funny that happened to you.
A: I recently went to Yoga on the Deck and when I rolled out my yoga towel, a pair of clean underwear went flying out! I burst out laughing…I don’t think anyone actually noticed, but I thought it was hilarious. 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us, Jessica! Check back on another Monday to meet a different area mom.
(Let’s go mommy is always in need of more Monday Moms, so if you are willing to be featured, simply email Thank you!)